Monday, May 19, 2014

Part 1: Our New Regional Consortium: ACCEL

Adult Education in California is changing.

In May of 2013, the Governor and the Legislature changed the organization of the Adult Education system. 

In the old way, there were two kinds of Adult Education in California:

     * K12 Adult Schools - like our school
     * Community College non-credit - like CCSF in San Francisco

Before all the cuts, most Adult Education was through K12 Adult Schools. 

In May 2013, the government decided to put everyone together in teams.  The goal is more coordination and cooperation. 

Here is the website with the rules for the new system.

There are 70 teams in California.  Each team is called a Regional Consortium.  

Region = Area. 
Consort = Get close, make a pair or team.

Regional Consortium = Area Team

1 is a consortium.  2 or more are consortia.
No one gets the endings right so don't worry about it.

Every team must have a Community College and a K12 District.

Every team must have a fiscal agent - a banker.  We are the banker for our team.

Every team must work together to create the best Adult Education possible for their region.

This is a big change. 

We will live with this change for a long, long time.

We must make a big effort to make this new system good.  We want the best Adult Education possible for the people of California.

Here is a list of the 70 teams - the 70 Regional Consortia in California.

San Mateo County
Our Regional Consortium:  ACCEL

Our Regional Consortium is for San Mateo County. 

The name of our Regional Consortium is ACCEL.  Here is the new ACCEL website.

It stands for Adult-Education College and Career Educational Leadership.

The team has two types of players - the K12 Adult School players and the Community College players.

San Mateo Adult School
ACCEL Regional Consortia
Team Member and Fiscal Agent
(The Banker)
The K12 Adult School players are:  San Mateo Adult School, Jefferson Adult School, Sequoia Adult School, South San Francisco Adult School, Cabrillo Unified School District.

College of San Mateo
ACCEL Regional Consortia
Team Member

The Community College players are College of San Mateo, Canada College, and Skyline College.

The ACCEL team also has some partners.  They include Puente de la Costa Sur, Nuestra Casa, Job Train, Samaritan House, North Fair Oaks Community Center, the San Mateo County Social Service Agency, the San Mateo County Office of Education, Goodwill, Community Gatepath, Apprenticeship Programs, San Mateo Central Labor Council, the WIB One-Stop Centers, and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

Samaritan House
ACCEL Regional Consortia Partner
ACCEL Is A Great Team 
Our ACCEL team is very special.  Our team members - the Adult Schools and the K12 School Districts and the Community Colleges - have good relationships.  We respect each other.  We care about the community.  We want to provide the best Adult Education possible.  We want to have good teamwork.  Respect.  Good communication.  Fairness. 
We are doing a great job.  It is a big, hard job and there is a lot of pressure.  But we are handling the pressure.  We are working together to handle it.  We are Adult Education leaders in California.
Other schools want to know:  How are we doing this?  They want to learn from us. 
There are many reasons we are doing a good job. 
One important reason is our strong community. 
We work together:  Students, Teachers, Administrators, and Community.
We know community matters.   
You, the students, are part of our success.  Your wisdom, strength, effort, and participation make a big difference. 
A student survey to ask for your ideas and opinions is coming soon.
Pressure to Change

This new Regional Consortia system is a big change for California. 

The new system will begin in the summer of 2015.

Until then, we must run our schools in the old way while we prepare for the new way.

Everything must be ready by summer of 2015.

That is the deadline.

How are we preparing to meet this deadline? 

Learn more in Part 2: ACCEL Team Members.


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