Thursday, December 10, 2020

Signing Off - From Cynthia

Dear San Mateo Adult School Students,

Today is my last day doing social media for our school - this blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  I will help the new social media learn the ropes (this means learn how something works) but I will not be the official social media person.

James Wu started this blog in 2008 and I took it over soon after he started it. Then I started our school Facebook page sometime after that, another blog with success stories, and our school Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. 

It has been a joy to do this work.  I love our school and community.  This job gave me the opportunity to see and showcase our community in action  - our wonderful students and staff, programs and classes, events and clubs, and student council - working together to create and share education, opportunity, and connection. 

Wow - Together we have accomplished so much!  I have so many good memories of celebrations, presentations, daily fun and learning, graduations, and events of all kinds.  And now, even during the challenge of COVID, we continue as a school and community.  Both staff and students are learning new skills and sharing strengths with each other.  We are getting through this pandemic - stronger together!  

I am not leaving our school - only this job - so I will still be here to be a part of the wonderful work we do together.   I will continue to teach ESL, lead Green Team, and participate in school activities. 

Thank you for making my job as social media person such a joy.

Sincerely, Cynthia

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