Thursday, June 11, 2020

SMAS Student Marcos Lorençani's Letter to Governor Newsom

Governor Gavin Newsom
1303 10th St., #1173
Sacramento, CA. 95814
April 23, 2020

Dear Governor Gavin Newsom,

My name is Marcos Lorençani, I'm a student of San Mateo Adult School, I arrived recently to California from Brazil and I need to improve my English skills to realize one of my dreams, which is to study in an University in the United States.

I know that you are doing an excellent job like a governor of California and I hope that one day you may become a President of the United States. That is why, with all due respect, the reason for my letter is understanding if there is the possibility of budget cutting for some public institutions and agencies and try to show how relevant adult education is in our county. 

Integration is the main goal of Adult Education and I believe that a strong State or Country is formed by strong people, and providing a good education for immigrants or poor people is a good way to fastly achieve. Education is very important for everybody, but for adults it is twice or three times more important, especially, because it inspires, empowers and integrates all students with community. The Adult School gives all support for students' families, transforming them into future citizens who will serve the this State of California with determination and excellency, providing a better economy and producing work.

In sum, as a student I try to retribute the community like a volunteer, in the programs that exist in the school, which are: census, green team, hot food service, student ambassador, and more. Finally, I take the liberty to affirm to you, our Dear Governor, that if San Mateo Adult School continues to be well funded, teachers will not be unemployed, and they will be able to contribute to our State, which is more valuable, which is education. I hereby ask you to reconsider aid for all adult schools, because this is the base of the future and I will try to write my name in the history of this State, like you are doing.

Please don’t cut our budget. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Marcos Lorençani

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