Thursday, March 19, 2015

CCAE Leg Day 2015

 Tuesday, March 24th is CCAE Leg Day.  What is Leg Day?

Former ESL Morning Student Council
PresidentMarco - CCAE Leg Day 2014
Tim and Iglika at Leg Day 2013

Leg Day is "Legislative Day."

It is a day that CCAE - the California Council for Adult Education  has set up for people to go to Sacramento and talk to Legislators about Adult Education and K12 Adult Schools.  Our school, the San Mateo Adult School, is a K12 Adult School.

K12 Adult Schools are part of K12 Districts.  K - Kindergarten.  12 - 12th grade.  K12 - Kindergarten through 12th grade.  We are part of the San Mateo Union High School District

The Legislators are the people we elect to make laws.  The Legislature has two parts - the Senate and the Assembly.   People in the Senate are called Senators.  People in the Assembly are called Assembly Members.  They are all called Legislators.
Here is where the Senators vote. 
          We hope they will vote
Yes!  For stable, direct funding for K12 Adult Schools.
We see they have red carpet.  Maybe they already understand:
Adult Education matters!

Kevin Mullin is our local Assembly Member.

And Jerry Hill is our local Senator.

CCAE Leg Day 2013
Adult School people preparing to visit legislators.

In 2014, our Assistant Director Tim Doyle went with Marco and Daniel to Leg Day.  You can read what Marco wrote about Leg Day 2014 here.  In 2013, Tim went with Hitomi, Iglika, Marina, and Natalia to Leg Day.  They talked to Legislators about our school and Adult Education.  You can read what Hitomi wrote about Leg Day 2013 here and what Marina wrote about Leg Day 2013 here.

Adult Education is in a time of big change.  The new Regional Consortia system officially begins in July of 2016.

How the money will work for the new structure is not completely decided.  Also, there is a transition year in the beginning.  For a good outcome, we need a stable transition year with stable funding.

This year, Assistant Director Tim Doyle, Assistant Director Eric Saavedra,  ESL Morning Student Council President Daniel, ESL Morning Student Council Vice President Kitty, Student Advocate Marina, Student Leader Melika, and Teacher Cynthia will visit Legislators on Leg Day.

They will explain to the Legislators:

*  the value of Adult Schools and Adult Education

* the need for stable funding for K12 Adult Schools.

*  the need for a stable transition year

You can read more about CCAE's talking points here.

Talking points are the main things to say.

Other schools, students, teachers, and administrators will also visit Legislators on this day.

Together we will carry the message:

Adult Education
Adult Schools!

And they need direct, stable funding so they can serve the people of California in a direct, stable way.


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