Saturday, March 8, 2014

Students Bring It All Together at the CCAE Bay Section Conference 2014

At the CCAE Bay Section Conference, San Mateo Adult Students brought an important message:
Maricruz, Natalia, Marina
Marco, Hitomi, Moni

* Adult Education matters

* Community and student leadership are the magic piece

* Every school can create a strong community and grow student leadership

San Mateo Adult School Student Leaders gave a workshop on Community and Student Leadership.

The workshop was led by Hitomi, Marco, and Marina with the assistance of Maricruz, Moni, and Natalia.

People listened to SMAS leaders.
People were very excited to hear what they would say.  Not all schools have the strong community and student leadership that SMAS does.  People wanted to learn how to create this.  They listened carefully.

At the workshop, SMAS students asked people to

* get to know each other - because community begins with communication

* think about obstacles

* think about how to overcome the obstacles

* think about the rewards of community and student leadership.

They shared a powerpoint presentation with photos of SMAS community and student leadership. 

We love Adult School!
The recent SMAS Valentine Celebration

They explained Student Council - how it works and how it helps build community and leadership.

They asked people to think about all these things -

                          and then connect the pieces that bring it all together.

Putting together the puzzle of...

SMAS students and teachers also sold Adult Education Matters t-shirts and buttons.

David, Marco, Marina, Maricruz

They attended workshops - like the workshop on Student Ambassadors.  Maybe that is something we can do here at SMAS.

And they listened to speakers talk about Adult Education and K12 Adult Schools - past, present, and future.

Together as a community,
talking, listening, and thinking about Adult Education
They also ate lunch provided by The Bread Project and connected with CCAE members from around the Bay Area.

SMAS Student Workshop Leaders said about their experience:

Hitomi:  "That was a perfect moment of life.  I saw the faces of my teachers and I felt relaxed."

Marco:  "I think people got inspired by the message."

Marina:  "It was very friendly.  I'm very happy.  I learned many things."

Hitomi, Marco, Marina

Berkeley Adult School said this about the workshop:

"SMAS students inspired conference attendees in a big way; they rock!"

SMAS students sure do rock.

They are magic piece that brings all together and makes things happen.

Thank you, SMAS Student Leaders Hitomi, Marina, Marco, and Maricruz, Moni, and Natalia.

Thank you, Teachers Lisa and David for your support of student leadership and action.

Thank you, all SMAS students! 

Your participation makes us a true and powerful community.


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