Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day and Presidents Day: Community and Leadership

George Washington
    Monday, February 17th,  
      school  is CLOSED
       for Presidents Day.

Abraham Lincoln

Presidents Day is a Federal Holiday to honor George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Friday, February 14th is also a holiday - Valentine's Day.

The Morning ESL Student Council organized a wonderful Valentine's Day Celebration at our school.

Many students worked to create a day of love for Adult School. 

The students decorated the trees and the square around the flagpole.  There were games, chocolate, music, and dancing.  People came together to have fun, be a community and celebrate love.

Community is a very special part of Adult Schools. 

Many students at Adult Schools have many obstacles.  They must overcome many difficulties to find success.  Adult Schools provide community, support, and encouragement.  In community, people are stronger.  They can do more things.  They overcome more obstacles and achieve more success.

Love and community are part of Presidents Day, also.

Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln had big love for people, community, country.

George Washington was the first president of the United States. His birthday was February 22, 1732. He was a general in the Revolutionary War. The U.S. fought the Revolutionary War against the British. The U.S. won the war. This was the beginning of the United States. Sometimes Washington is known as the Father of our Country.  The people wanted him to be their king.  He said no.  The people made a new form of government - representational democracy.  They elected George Washington President.  This was something new - not a king but a leader for a short time.  An elected leader.  At that time, only white property-owning men could vote.  This was the beginning of the democracy we have today.  Now all citizens can vote.  All citizens have a voice.

Abraham Lincoln was the president during the Civil War. His birthday was February 12. 1809. He was president during the Civil War.  He kept the United States united.  And he freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. Some people think he was the greatest president we have ever had. He grew up very poor with almost no school.  He studied by himself to learn many things and become a lawyer. He had many losses and hardships in his life. He was also very funny and a wonderful storyteller.  He understood and loved people.  He was assassinated during his second term as president.

What does assassinate mean? It means to kill a leader. Sometimes we say that to assassinate someone is cut the head off the snake. Without the head, the snake cannot live.  You cannot stop a people if you kill their leader but it is a big loss.  The leader is a way for the people to express something.  A good leader helps people express their best parts.

Both these men had great love for people, community, and country.

They were very special, very strong, very good leaders.

We celebrate their birthdays with a Federal Holiday. 

(Remember, school is CLOSED on Monday, February 17th!)

But Presidents Day is not about just these leaders.

Presidents Day is also about community because leaders are part of community.

At San Mateo Adult School, we have a good, strong community with good strong leaders.

We help each other overcome obstacles and achieve success.

We have a lot to celebrate.

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