Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Results

President Obama won.

Here in California, Prop 30 won.

That means people who make a lot of money - over 250,000 in one year - will pay more taxes.  And all of us will pay a tiny bit more sales tax.  And NO CUTS for schools.

That is GOOD NEWS for our Adult School and all schools across California.

Prop 38, the other proposition about education and taxes, lost.

It was a very big day in California and all across the country.  Californians voted to change the "3 Strikes Law."  Now, the last "strike" must be a serious crime to send the person to prison for a long time.  California spends a LOT of money on prison so this is a big deal in many ways.  Two states voted for marriage equality.  Colorado voted to make recreational use of marijuana okay.  The first openly gay senator was elected.  These are all big changes for the U.S.  

For results about everything, go here.

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