Friday, June 25, 2021

Meet New Assistant Director Kira Mann!

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Kira Mann
(Alt Text: Smiling woman
with dark hair
in front of trees)
Get to know Kira Mann and join us in welcoming her to our school community!

Tell us about your last job

I have worked at Eastside Adult Education for the past 12 years. I started working as an ESL teacher. I worked in ABE, GED, and ASE programs. I integrated school-wide technology and served as a WASC Coordinator. I became the Supervisor of our Career Ed and Integrated Education and Training Programs.

How did you deal with the pandemic at your school?

We were slowly moving in the direction we needed to move when COVID hit and accelerated everything. We had to pivot and change every day.  Teachers had a choice to implement new technology in the past - but now they had to learn to do these things.  

We saw the inequities in education when we were distributing Chromebooks. Understanding what each person - teacher or student - needed was very important - so we could help each individual succeed. 

It was a journey and also an opportunity to learn. We realized our inner strengths to adapt to change and become innovative, doing the things we never knew that we could do. When challenges come, you want to be part of this journey and make this a successful story.  Now the question is:  what are the opportunities that came along?

What do you most enjoy about working in Adult Ed?

Building relationships with students and colleagues. I thrive on it. In the classroom, once a student feels a sense of belonging, learning happens. In small conversations, we can recognize student stories and who students are as a whole person. There is a strong relationship between feeling cared about, attendance and learning.   

I teach with my heart. Seeing my students succeed and get to the next steps in their journey keeps me motivated. I have always pushed myself to ensure that my students have the right resources and the support they need.  I have always had high expectations of my students and I have encouraged them to think about their deeper why. This helped me build a  tight-knit and collaborative culture in my classroom and school.

I have always believed that Adult Ed is a second opportunity. When I immigrated from India I was so amazed to see programs like these. I was so happy to see such a beautiful thing - education being a lifelong process. 

What are you looking forward to about joining SMAS?

First of all, I am grateful for the opportunity! I resonate with the mission. Not only education but lifelong learning that serves the individual as a whole. There are so many programs - including strong ESL, CTE and ASE programs. I can bring my skills of integrating technology into education programs.  Instead of students needing to learn the language, they can learn the language and the tech and work skills simultaneously.  I am looking forward to serving our adult learners. 

Can you tell us a little more about yourself? Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Punjab, a state near New Delhi, the capital of India. I moved to California in 1996 and have been here ever since!

What did you like about school as a student?


I was in boarding schools my entire educational career in India. Being away from my family, I had to build my own community.  Even then, relationships and collaboration were what I thrive on.  

My favourite things about school were learning and pushing myself on the basketball court and soccer field. I have always had a competitive spirit, and teachers and coaches brought the best out of me.

What do you like to do for R and R - rest and recreation?

I like to do yoga and hot pilates after a long day of work. I also like hiking and spending time outdoors with my children.  During COVID, I also really enjoyed watching movies to learn about other cultures and communities. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Signing Off - From Cynthia

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Dear San Mateo Adult School Students,

Today is my last day doing social media for our school - this blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  I will help the new social media learn the ropes (this means learn how something works) but I will not be the official social media person.

James Wu started this blog in 2008 and I took it over soon after he started it. Then I started our school Facebook page sometime after that, another blog with success stories, and our school Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube accounts. 

It has been a joy to do this work.  I love our school and community.  This job gave me the opportunity to see and showcase our community in action  - our wonderful students and staff, programs and classes, events and clubs, and student council - working together to create and share education, opportunity, and connection. 

Wow - Together we have accomplished so much!  I have so many good memories of celebrations, presentations, daily fun and learning, graduations, and events of all kinds.  And now, even during the challenge of COVID, we continue as a school and community.  Both staff and students are learning new skills and sharing strengths with each other.  We are getting through this pandemic - stronger together!  

I am not leaving our school - only this job - so I will still be here to be a part of the wonderful work we do together.   I will continue to teach ESL, lead Green Team, and participate in school activities. 

Thank you for making my job as social media person such a joy.

Sincerely, Cynthia

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Where Are They Now? Flo Lopez

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Where Are They Now?  

SMAS Graduates Share Their Stories

Flo Lopez at her job at Starbucks
In her green apron with a turquoise mask
"Flo Lopez - SMAS Alum Gives Back"

Meet Flo Lopez

In 2016, Flo Lopez obtained her GED.  She graduated and received a scholarship.  She attended college at the College of San Mateo, is currently on a break from college work, and will return to college next year. She works as a supervisor at Starbucks and is a cheerleader for students like herself.

What's Her Story?

Flo was born in El Salvador and came here with her brother when she was just six years old.  There were many challenges and she learned a lot through them.  When she was sixteen, she hit yet more challenges and made the choice to leave high school and get a job. 

Through everything, Flo knew she wanted a future for herself. And through everything, her mom was her number one cheerleader. So at the age of twenty one, she started her studies at San Mateo Adult School.  Obstacles continued to show up in her path.  It wasn’t easy!  But she was committed to move forward - and her mom cheered her on.

Flo learned about Juanita Wasko, who graduated from SMAS at the age of seventy eight. Wow!  That inspired her.  So at the age of twenty three, Flo made a serious commitment:  Just like Juanita, she would pursue her goals and get her GED!  

Success Through Difficulty

Flo studied under hard conditions - usually hitting the books late at night after working all day.  Teacher Ellen Haworth encouraged her and gave her many tips which helped to sustain her.  She got up the courage to take the test - but missed passing by just five points.  But!  She told herself - get back on the horse and keep going till you finish!  

The following year the score system changed and that was the boost she needed.  She pushed hard and passed!

“I could not believe i had accomplished the biggest challenge that i had - that literally boosted my confidence - it made me really realize - that having an education is really important - not to just have more opportunities but to have more confidence.”  

Life Today - Giving Back

Today she is using her skills at Starbucks as a supervisor.  Math is so important, she notes. She uses it in her job every day.  

In her speech at graduation, she talked about giving back, and Flo does just that. She has visited Ellen’s classes to share advice and encouragement.

“I always encourage others to keep going - because if you set your mind to it - anything can be accomplished.  Everythings a struggle but that’s just life - you just have to put your best foot forward.  If you set your mind to it, that’s all you need - with a little push from other people. You got to have patience with yourself.  Nowadays you have everything in the blink of an eye - but can you really get your education in the blink of an eye?  No. You just have to go through it.  I encourage my family and coworkers to focus on education. At first I thought you don’t need math, reading, and writing but now I love to read and journal.  With God’s grace, I have done a lot."

You sure have, Flo!  And you are doing more by sharing your story now.  Thank you for sharing a bit about where you have been and where you are going.  And don’t forget to stay in touch!  

Are you an alum who would like to share your story? Contact us, please! Your story can inspire others to move forward on their goals and dreams!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Garden Club Volunteers Help Community

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San Mateo Adult School Garden Club

The SMAS Garden Club is a volunteer group of current and former students.  They work in the school garden growing healthy, organic fruits and vegetables. They learn about sustainability.  They run the School Farmers Market.  They have fun, make friends, and make our school and world a better place!  

Volunteering to Help Others

Five volunteers from the San Mateo Adult School's Garden Club recently picked 1,500 pounds of walnuts in one day raising more than $1,300 in funds. The Garden Club donated half of the funds to the school in collaboration with the Student Council to help Adult School students who are experiencing difficulties during this pandemic. 

The remaining funds will be used in the maintenance of the garden:  installation of vegetable trellises, purchase of vegetable seeds and fruit tree fertilizer, upgrade the drip irrigation system, purchase vegetable blend soil, amend the soil of the garden beds and other planting areas,  and many other projects that are still in the works. The garden has been self-sustaining since it started eleven years ago. They feel very lucky that director Ms. Taylor is very supportive of the San Mateo Adult School Garden.

Garden Club Doesn't Stop!

Members picked and sold walnuts and pomegranates, as well as garden grown organic produce.  They donated
  • $500 to Samaritan Hose from the walnut sale.
  • $500 to San Mateo Adult school to buy turkeys for students (from the pomegranite sales below)
  • $2,250 from the pomegranate sales. Half of the fund will go to our adult school and the other half will go to our school garden for its construction.

Learn More about Garden Club

Thank you, Garden Club, for the many ways you enrich our community!

A Garden Club picks nuts

A Garden Club member gathers nuts

Garden Club presenting their donation in November 2020
SMAS Administrative Assistant Stefanie Wright 
with Garden Club Members - all in masks

Garden Club Members in the Garden
holding baskets of beautiful bounty
fruits and vegetables

Sunday, December 6, 2020

2020 Farewells and Welcomes

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2020 brought many changes to our world and school community.   Through it all, we persevered, growing in strength and resilience as we navigated many challenges brought on by this global pandemic. 

This year, we welcomed in new SMAS Director Angela Taylor, and new Staff Members Chau Kin Hang (Eddie), Kimberly Hinkle and Claudio Cozzi.  And we said good-bye to many long-time and much loved staff members who served at our school for many years and helped shape it into what the wonderful community it is today.  

We fondly remember and thank for their service:

In Memoriam: 

Ernesto Cruz 
Jay Finkelstein
Houry Aroyan
Stephanie Funk

Gabby Ilan

Mr. T and Ernesto
Image Description:  Mr. T in red jacket 
and Ernesto in black jacket
celebrating 101 years of Adult Ed
during Adult Ed Week

Shaina - Miss Thompson
Image Description: 
Shaina dressed as a Christmas Elf
Carolyn and Jay
Image Description:  Carolyn smiling in pastels
Jay smiling in dress shirt and tie

Tim and Katherine
Image Description:
Tim in red shirt and tie
Katherine in blue jacket
Goofing a bit in the pic

Image Description: Nita smiling in action 
at front desk of SMART Center

Laetitia and her students
Image Description: Laetitia and students smiling
and holding up forks after Green Team visit

Image Description:  Gabby smiling with plate of food
at International Day

Stephanie Funk
Image Description:
Stephanie in action teaching an exercise class

Image Description:  Houry smiling at 
International Day in Foster City

Image Description: 
Ernesto smiling and relaxed in the
SMART Center in his black jacket