Thursday, April 23, 2020

Farewell and Happy Retirement, Teacher Katherine

Award Winning Teacher Katherine Lieban Retires

Zoom Gathering to Award
Golden Apple to Katherine
After 32 years, Katherine Lieban is retiring.  On April 15th, in a special Zoom gathering, she received the San Mateo Union High School District Golden Apple award for excellence in teaching.  Many students agree:  Katherine is an outstanding teacher!  She is funny, kind, and really, really good at teaching English.  You can read about her award here. 

Before she taught her last day, I asked her a few questions.  Here are her responses:

Katherine is
always a sharp
How long have you worked at SMAS?

I started working in February, 1988 as a sub, but then got hired that summer in a regular position.

What have you taught through those years? 

Low, Intermediate, and High ESL. Speaking/Listening ESL.  ESL Writing.  Memoir to older adults in the Active Adults (Fifty Plus) program. 

What did you learn in your years of teaching?

That our students are great individuals. That everyone can learn - the teacher’s job is to find out HOW to communicate the ideas to the students. That you are never too old to learn; that patience can solve most problems.

What are some of your favorite memories at SMAS?

Katherine, Student, Patricia
at Halloween
I love International Day & Halloween and our Thanksgiving feasts. But I also love the first few weeks of a new semester when everybody is nervous and we all have to work together to get to know each other & build trust & community in the classroom. I love the challenge of the first few weeks of a new class. 

What do you hope to do after you retire?  Note:  We understand things are different now with shelter at home.  So maybe this is two questions:

  1.  What do you want to do after you retire - while we shelter at home?
I will be happy to be free of the CLOCK which has been my enemy for my whole life. I don’t want to count minutes. I want empty space in my head so I can go deep into my imagination and spend time there and find out what is lurking in those hidden recesses and hopefully turn that stuff into stories on paper. 

  1. What do you want to do after you retire - when shelter at home is over? 
See above plus TRAVEL.

Anything else you want to add?

Teaching has exceeded my expectations in providing me with a joyful way to make a living. 
It was a real problem for me in my youth to find an appropriate career for my talents. I had many jobs which I found boring and unsuitable for my character. Teaching English to adults turned out to be an excellent path for me to follow using my particular skills and qualities. Thank you.

Thank you, Katherine, for your many years of service to our school. We will miss you sharp wit, sharp style, and soft heart.

Katherine at Halloween

Katherine with Lisa and students on a field trip

Katherine, Teachers, and Students at Award Ceremony

Toshio and Katherine on International Day

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