The ESL Student Councils are a way for students to express themselves and have some power in decisions about school life.
There are two ESL Student Councils - a day Student Council and an evening Student Council. Each Student Council has a President, Vice-President, and a Secretary. All the morning ESL classes and all the evening ESL classes elect 2 Representatives from their room.
It is the job of the Representatives to listen to their classmates and bring their ideas and concerns to the Student Council. And it is the job of the Representatives discuss these ideas and concerns at the Student Meetings and to vote on decisions. And it is the job of the Representatives to return to their classrooms and tell their classmates what happened at the meetings.
The ESL Student Councils meet once a month. At the meetings, the Representatives and the Student Council Officers discuss student ideas and concerns. They make decisions. They vote on what to do for holidays, events, and various student concerns. The ESL Student Council sells student IDs. This brings in money. They vote on how to spend the money. They have used Student Money to buy benches, banners, and postage stamps for letters to the Governor and the Legislature.
This week we are electing new ESL Student Council Officers.
On Wednesday, September 24, the candidates will present their ideas in a Candidate Forum.
Here is the schedule for the Forum:

Day: 10 am for Lower Levels
11 am for Upper Levels
Evening: 7:40 Lower Levels
8 pm Upper Levels
On Thursday, September 25, students will vote in Room 24.
Only the Day students will vote because the candidates for Evening President, Vice-President, and Secretary are running unopposed. That means only one person wants the job. No competition.
Thank you to all the students who are voting and to the students who are running for office.
Student Councils are democracy. Participation makes democracy work.
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