Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Leg Day 2014

Wednesday, March 19th, is CCAE Leg Day.

What is Leg Day?

Is it a day to celebrate legs?

To show them off or make them into lamps?

No.  ;-)

That might be fun or funny but that is not what Leg Day is about.

Leg Day is "Legislative Day."

It is a day that CCAE - the California Council for Adult Education  has set up for people to go to Sacramento and talk to Legislators about Adult Education and K12 Adult Schools.  Our school, the San Mateo Adult School, is a K12 Adult School.

K12 Adult Schools are part of K12 Districts.  K - Kindergarten.  12 - 12th grade.  K12 - Kindergarten through 12th grade.  We are part of the San Mateo Union High School District

The Legislators are the people we elect to make laws.  The Legislature has two parts - the Senate and the Assembly.   People in the Senate are called Senators.  People in the Assembly are called Assembly Members.  They are all called Legislators.

Kevin Mullin is our local Assembly Member.

And Jerry Hill is our local Senator.

Last year, our Assistant Director Tim Doyle went with Hitomi, Iglika, Marina, and Natalia to Leg Day.  They talked to Legislators about our school and Adult Education.  You can read what Hitomi wrote about Leg Day 2013 here and what Marina wrote about Leg Day 2013 here.

Iglika, Hitomi, Marina, Natalia and Tim
Leg Day 2013

Last year, our school and all Adult Schools faced a big crisis.  Gov. Brown wanted to put all Adult Education inside the Community College system.  We said no!  We said keep the K12 Adult Schools open.  We said give K12 Adult Schools Designated Funding.  We said Adult Education matters!

Gov. Brown said okay to part of this.  In May, he made a new plan - the Regional Consortia plan.  K12 Adult Schools and Community Colleges would work together to provide Adult Education.  On that day in May when we heard the news, we celebrated.

May 2013
Celebrating the news that K12 Adult Schools would stay open.

We were happy that K12 Adult Schools continue.

And now we begin the work to make the new Regional Consortia.  Our Regional Consortia has a name - ACCEL San Mateo County.   There are 6 K12 Adult Schools in our Consortia - San Mateo Adult School, Jefferson Adult School, South San Francisco Adult School, Sequoia Adult School, Cabrillo, and La Honda Pescadero - and 3 Community Colleges - Skyline College, College of San Mateo, and Canada.

We still need Designated Funding.

After 2015, K12 Adult Schools do not have money. The Governor said he wants to give Adult Education money.  This is a hope, an idea.  It is not a plan.  We need to keep talking to the Governor and the Legislature.  We need to explain that Adult Education Matters.  We need to explain that K12 Adult Schools need Designated Funding.

This year, Tim will go with ESL Morning Student Council President Marco and ESL Evening Student Council Vice-President Maricruz (and maybe others?) to Leg Day.

They will meet with Legislators and talk about our school, K12 Adult Schools, our Regional Consortia (ACCEL San Mateo County), the new Regional Consortia System, and Designated Funding.
ESL Student Council
Morning President Marco
Thank you to Tim and Student Leaders Marco and Maricruz for representing us. 

In this way, they are like our Legislators.  They represent us. 

They are our voice. 

And maybe, in some way, they are like the leg lamps!

They go to Sacramento and they bring light to the Legislators.

They bring the message:

 Adult Education - K12 Adult  Schools - matter!

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