Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good News!

Today Governor Brown announced his new budget plan.

We like the new plan!

In his plan, there is more money for Adult Schools.

And K12 Adult Schools - like ours - will stay open!

In his plan, Adult Schools and Community Colleges will work together in the future.

We do this now with the ALLIES Program - Teacher Mary's Intensive Writing class.

Working together is good.

Now the Legislature must approve the plan.

The Legislature has given Adult Education a lot of support.

We think and hope they will say yes to the plan. 

Maybe they will have more good ideas to add to it.

Today was a very big day.  It was a big change from the Governor's first plan which was not good for us.

And... today was Red for Unity in Adult Education Day!

Schools around the state showed their strength and support for Adult Education and each other.

La Escuelita Family Literacy in Oakland

Oxnard Adult School in Southern California

San Mateo Adult School
(Photo Credit:  Tom Jung)

Here is some more good news:

The change in Governor Brown's plan is because of you.

You wrote emails.

You sent cards and emails.

You visited Sacramento.

You signed petitions.

You stood up and spoke up. 

You delivered the message:  Adult Education Matters!

And the Governor listened.

Thank you, Govenor, for listening.

Thank you, students for speaking.

There is an African proverb that is very true:

If you want to go fast, go alone. 
          If you want to go far, go together.

We are going together.

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