Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stand up and Celebrate - It's Adult Education Week!

It's Adult Education Week.

Time to celebrate Adult Education.

Time to stand up for it.

Watch the video:

Sign and share the petition to Rebuild Adult Education:

Visit and "like" the Alliance for California Adult Schools Facebook page.

Tell your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors what is going on.

Gov. Brown wants to move Adult Education to the Community College system.

That will not be good.   The move will be expensive.   It will be harder for people to go to school.

Some programs - Family Literacy, Parent Ed, Disabled Adults, Older Adults - will be cut.

Adult Education matters.

We know this.  And together we can keep and rebuild Adult Education.

We can take care of ourselves.

We just need to speak up and take action.

And celebrate all our good things!

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