Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome Back! (Change Ahead)

Happy New Year!

And welcome to 2012 at the San Mateo Adult School!

There has been lots of talk about 2012, right?

Just like there was lots of talk about y2k.

What was y2k, you ask?

It was the year 2000.

Everyone thought everything would go crazy. They thought there might be big computer and technical problems.

There weren't.

But we did have a Dot Com Bust after the Dot Com Boom.

What was that?

An economic recession after economic success in the tech industry.

Now people are saying, "Wow! Watch out! It is 2012! Big things might happen! Big changes!"

And they might.


What do you want to happen in 2012?

What changes do you want in your life? Your community? Your family? Your English?

We can't change everything.

We can't control everything.

(Even though everyone wants to control some things. It's true. Everyone does. It's a secret we all share.)

But we can change some things.

What do you want to change this year?

Chances are, the San Mateo Adult School can help you do that.

We can help you improve your English, understand US culture, become a citizen, and gain new job and life skills.

Check out for all the great classes that are starting now and then come on over and register.

It's not too late to create the changes you want in your life.

You just have to try.

And keep trying.

One action at a time.


Word Notes:

What's up with "Welcome BACK" and "Change AHEAD"?

Does your home language use the words for "back" and "head" to talk about past and the future?

Why do we say "welcome back"?

Why do we say "come back"?

It is good to think about these things.

If you can understand the ideas inside a language, you can think like a native speaker.

And if you can think like a native speaker, you can talk like one!

Good, hunh?


Try it!


Last thing:

If you want to try some difficult English, here are some great quotes about change.

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